Sacred and Psychoactive Sidas

Sacred and Psychoactive Sidas

cordifolia flower-elfora

Sacred and Psychoactive Sidas:

Anecdotal accounts of Sida species use as a sacred or psychoactive herb

Sida species have been used for sacred and/or psychoactive purposes for thousands of years. Sida rhombifolia is the traditional marijuana substitute in Mexico. Note that roots, seeds, and leaves have all been employed. Aside from a rich traditional history there is no modern research on these uses of Sida that I know of. A rich avenue of research for someone.


Buy books and seeds

Pathogens That Sidas Defeat

Sida Benefits and Actions

Both Sida Book's Table of Contents

Pictures of Sida Varieties, and other medicinal plants

An Interview with William Bruneau on The Urban Farm

The most profound herbal anti-pathogens known in the world

It turns out that some Sidas can also be psychoactive

The following material was excerpted from whatever sources I could find on the web that connected the Sidas with psychoactive action. There seems to be a long history of Sidas being used for these purposes. I have made no effort to substantiate this material, though the excerpts from the books and peer-review studies provides some serious credulity. I am sure that a more serious search would further substantiate the Sidas psychoactive properties.

The three Sidas that are known to be psychoactive are: Sida rhombifolia, Sida cordifolia, and Sida acuta. Sida linfolia and Sida spinosa are noted below as aphrodisiacs, and may also be psychoactive. There are 11 Sida species that are known to be potently medicinal, and all of these potentially could be psychactive.

It seems to me that Sida rhombifolia would be best to grow for this purpose. I have been unable to get Sida cordifolia to sprout no matter what I have tried. Perhaps your efforts would be better rewarded. Sida rhombifolia also produces at least three times more herb than Sida acuta, while being nearly as medicinal. Sida acuta Burmanfil., F1. Ind. (1768) 147. Sida rhombifolia Linnaeus, Sp. PI. (1753) 684. Mexican natives attribute psychotropic properties to these plants (DŸ loc. cit. 183-186; in Lozoya: (Ed.) 1976 Estado Actual del Conocimiento en Plantas Medicinales Mexicanas, Instituto Mexicano para el Estudio de las Plantas Medicinales, Mexico 10 109-130). Phytochemical study of this genus is merely in a preliminary stage.

Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Vol. 17:647-675 (1977) Ethnopharmacology of Sacred Psychoactive Plants Used by the Indians of Mexico J L Diaz Universidad Nacional Authoma de Mexico Some ephedrine-containing Malvaceae such as Sida acuta and S. rhombifolia are smoked for their excitatory properties. The effects are similar to kat.

(book) The Smoking of Bones: Ch'orti' Maya Use of Tabacco and Ritual Tobacco Substitutes Kerry Hull University of New Mexico Press, Nov 1, 2019, 312 pages The Mopan Maya also use the dried leaves of the chi'chi'b'ej (literally "by the side of the road" since it is commonly found along roads) (Sida acuta) or broomweed as a tobacco substitute (Balick and Arvigo 2015: 375, 489. Simarly in Yucatan the leaves of Sida acuta (chichi'be) are dried and smoked "like marijuana," according to Kunow's consultant Don Pedro, and are said to "dry out the brains," whereas Chi'chi'bej in Mopan can also be used for arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia L.) whose leaves are used as a remedy for certain types of conditions on the skin, such a bumps, boils, and festering wounds (Wright and Hull n.d.)

The Encyclopedia of Aphrodisiacs: Psychoactive Subatances for use in Sexual Practices
Christian Ratsch and Claudia Muller-Ebeling
Simon and Schuster, Feb 3, 2013 - Health & Fitness - 736 pages
"Male" (S. rhombifolia) and la hembra, "female" (S. acuta) Schultes and Hofmann 19890a, 347)
Sida herbs used as aphrodisiacs Sida acuta Mexico: leaves are smoked
Sida cordifolia India: seeds, herb is eaaten
Sida linfolia Africa: eaten
Sida rhombifolia Africa: leaves are eaten Mexico: leaves are smoked
Sida spinosa India: eaten; Nepal: "bear" a bear plant, herb or blooms are smoked

(source not noted) One capsule contains: 350 mg sida acuta extract (standarized to 10 percent)... another herbal ecstasy preparation, Bliss Extra, has a similar composition (unfortuantely without measurements or ratios) Sida cordifolia cf. sida Sweet flag… In Sida rhombifolia, the alkaloids choline, psudoephedrine, ... Sources Preparations with sida herbs (herbal ecstasy) are available in European smart shop Plant World Seeds website Sida cordifolia This lovely Indian native is covered with soft white felt-like hair, the stems being yellow-green, hairy, long, and slender with heart-shaped leaves and flowers which are dark yellow, sometimes with a darker orange centre. It has been used as a medicinal plant since prehistoric times due to its high ephedrine content in the seeds, and it also possesses psychostimulant properties, affecting the central nervous system and also the heart. Additionally it has been used as a stimulant, an appetite suppressant and a decongestant, and in traditional ceremonies is regularly used as an ingredient in legal highs designed to mimic the effects of ecstasy. Please note, we do not recommend any of the above. Shroomery website: Magic Mushrooms Demystified This is a longstanding webpage on all things ecstatic and euphoric [Pretty much everything that follows is from this website]

(Sida rhombifolia?) this plant is so easy i dont know why its not grown more. though some years little beetles can infect the seed.

imo more potent than ephedra,i heaped tsp as a tea usually stimulates me so much my bowels empty! dried leaf is prob better to use as fresh is kind of soapy. slightly heavy on the chest as a smoke i have periods of euphoria with it,it can be joyful! the root was quite diferent,definately active but weird,needed a lot more of it too. got some fresh seed.

the fresh whole plant brewed as tea makes a VERY refreshing tea. The roots are difficult to get at cos the plant likes heavy clays and loams. The seeds will nt germinate when YOU want them to, but when THEY want to. I've given up trying to grow Sidas intentionally - now I just chuck the seed in a corner in the garden and eventually there will be plants. Kinda like poppies.

I chopped and boiled the roots of about ten plants (most of the plants weren't very large)for 5 minutes then let it sit for an hour or two and drunk the resulting "tea". Effects are a pleasant stimulation and quite euphoric which i am feeling as i type and i will definitely try it again :D

Not much of a taste, there was a taste but hard to describe. I added some honey for flavouring although i could have drunken it without any added flavouring. I have never tried ephedra so i cannot compare it but i was surprised by the potency of the sida. I wasn't expecting much of an affect and i was pleasantly surprised. It was almost like a mild marijuana like high at times but stimulating at the same time and lasted for an hour or so.

Not sure how much fresh leaf you should use. I used the roots of about ten plants chopped up finely and that was quite potent. I don't think the leaves are as strong as the roots though. You might want to try using the leaves of about ten plants and see how that goes. If it doens't work next time you could up the dosage. Or you could try smoking the leaves

SIK took 45grams approximately of S. Rhombifolia dried consisting of seeds/seedpods and leaf from mature flowering plant

Ground dried leaf in coffee grinder and placed in saucepan covered with approx 1.5 -2.0 l of water , this was bolied for approximately 2hrs , leaf removed and water filtered then slowly reduced reduced over a low heat on thee stove for several more hours until a black tarry goup est. weight 5-8g approx.

200mg consumed , some effect but very little goo was consumed in varying increments over the next three hours 300mg , 400mg, 600mg, 300mg total 1.8g consumed distinctlyy stimulating , states of deep focus , some degree of effect on coordination , mild head tingles and jaw grind nothing overlly amazing but distinctly stimulating, The person who undertook this advised me he had a feeling the time over which the dose was consumded may well have limited the overall effects a friend of his took approximately 1.5g in one go but had not heard back from him yet ...will post updates on smoking effect and single dose as soon as known

Curriosity is psedo as volatile . SWIM thought there was a distinctly more toomuch sudafed type effect , and large dose in SWIM reported the same ...hmm wonder if its one of the other actives in the plant causing these minimal effects . SWIM said he had undertaken a similar exercise with ephedra plants used a lot less water and did not cover when boiling This was a much stronger more pleasant experience , another factor swim would like to raise is the used extraction method didn't go far enough in eliminating unwanted elements as had some nice stomach cramps the next day. Will certainly be looking into viability of a few other solvents with this plant

The idea of Swims biossay was to look into the effect of water extartion and concentration , before moving on to other methods if necessary , guessing to find anything effective it will be necessary

was recently speaking to a friend overseas who said he had tried the above mentioned technique ( use of vinegar ) very successfully , after reducing it he had baked it at low heat to a hard, but plyable resin approx 50grams of starting product resulted in 14grams of resin although up to 30% of product was lost being stuck to the drying medium , 2L of water was used in the process and 500ml WWVinegar ( approx 7% acetic acid.

1g or more had stimulating qualities 2g was quite a plaesant medium level of stimulation and this state could be prolonged by slowly increasing the dose with 3-4g sufficient to provide a pleasant level of stimulation for over 12 hours with few very side effects. Appetite suppression was definitely present , however if one wanted to eat it was quite easy to digest food. No real effect on sex drive either positive or negative. Some jaw tension and mild stomach upset became present at higher doses

Please note such procedures in Australia , would be illegal and I have posted this information provided to me by an overseas resident for the educational purposes of other forum users

Sida sp. are quite a weed around here, must say I am unable to tell acuta and rhombifolia apart yet (any tips?) It is a pity Sida tea is illegal, I met an old bushy who had been drinking it instead of black tea for years, he couldn't stop laughing when I informed him of his favourite drinks legal status.

1 large pipe of whole seeds causes stimulation and very strange shift in mindset for almost 12 hours. This has been repeated several times with the same effects. 3 large pipes while coming off 15mg dexedrine at 7am caused inability to sleep until 3am the following morning, which is very odd.

Has anyone else experienced these kind of effects, or am i reacting a bit unusually? I dont consider it especially pleasant and probably won't repeat.

I can't describe the shift in mindset, just different, maybe slightly depressed, just odd, which i didn't notice the first time but recognised it each time after. Combined with the dexys didn't seem to really have any synergy, but i just expected to be able to sleep by 8 or 9am like usual. Instead it was a horrible struggle to get to sleep until the night after.

Ive had limited sucsess with sida R (rhombifolia) leaves but its quite rampent on my folks property and they dont want it there so i started harvesting seed not sure what one cone would do for me but around 4-5gms of seed brewed into tea seems eqivelent to 120mg of psudo.

I find a fistful of mixed "tops" per cup of brew more than adequate for kundalinic exercises and general stamina. Squeeze of lemon juice in the pot to stop things breaking down. I guess that is what Harry means with the vinegar? Correct me if I am wrong, still learning this stuff!

SIDA rhombifolia, Sida acuta, Acording to a search i have done on Herbage website these 2 species of sida revealed the following:

Sida acuta, common wireweed: actions: astringent, olentrifice, emollient, EUPHORIANT, STIMULANT,
comments: The dried seeds are smoked along the Gulf coast of mexico for their stimulating and euphoric effects.

Then, Sida rhombifolia actions: alopecia, aphrodesiac, diuretic. A further study on google reveals that Sida acuta has become a declared weed species in the north west of western australia. My search on herbage reaveals that there are many species of Sida but none apart from acuta possess euphoric or stimulating properties, SAB had Sida on their old site but it appears their new site dose not have it, i am interested in geting some Sida acuta seed if anyone has any.

I chopped and boiled the roots of about ten plants (most of the plants weren't very large)for 5 minutes then let it sit for an hour or two and drunk the resulting "tea". Effects are a pleasant stimulation and quite euphoric which i am feeling as i type and i will definitely try it again :D

Not much of a taste, there was a taste but hard to describe. I added some honey for flavouring although i could have drunken it without any added flavouring. I have never tried ephedra so i cannot compare it but i was surprised by the potency of the sida. I wasn't expecting much of an affect and i was pleasantly surprised. It was almost like a mild marijuana like high at times but stimulating at the same time and lasted for an hour or so.
Pharmacology - Sida rhombifolia contains the following alkaloids in all parts: choline, pseudoephedrine, beta-Phenethylamine, vascin and others. The stalk also contains hipaphorine and related indole alkaloids. The stimulating action of this Sida species and several others is due to the pseudoephedrine and/or ephedrine content. The only definite quantitative test I could find on alkaloid content was for the root which was 0.1%. A tea brewed from about 10-20 grams of root material has a distinct stimulating effect." But I don't know much more, I'd like to know what effects you get if you do try some.

OP for what it is worth Sida Rhombifolia (Indian marijuana/Wire weed) isn't a psychedelic but does deliver a decent effect. I would gauge it in between tobacco and cannabis. It's like the come up on cannabis when you begin to feel a little giggly - it just never goes further. Cannabis is so unique there is nothing that will imitate all that it does. Sida rhombifolia is easy to grow and provides a really pleasant smoke. I have been smoking this on occasion and have had some nice experiences and body highs. You should note the active in this plant is ephedrine. Message me if you are interested I can help you.
Traditional uses
The leaves of Sida rhombifolia and Sida acuta are smoked in many countries for their stimulating and euphoric effect (especially in Mexico, where S. rhombifolia is regarded as the stronger species). In India a tea is prepared from the fresh or dried leaves which is very refreshing and also stimulating. A tea made from fresh leaves and then chilled is a perfect beverage for hot and humid days. Australian Aboriginees use this herb to treat diarrhea. Sida acuta and Sida rhombifolia are very common weeds that grow in the Deep South and along the Gulf Coast. They both contain ephedrine, and were used during the construction of the Panama Canal (or around that era) to treat asthmatic conditions. As part of the secret MIB initiation, inductees are required to smoke the dried rootbark of Sida acuta. The effects include a rapid and profound increase in airflow to the lungs, and a general giddiness.

[Somewhere in my research was someone who combined Sida leaf with marijuana and achieved what they felt was a superior high]

Bill and Betsy Bruneau
18001 Shafer Ranch Road, Willits, CA 95490-9626 USA
Copyright 2007-2020, William Bruneau

psychoactive,psychoactive sida, sacred sida,psychoactive action,history of sida,psychoactive properties,Sida rhombifolia,Sida cordifolia,Sida acuta,Sida linfolia,Sida spinosa,aphrodisiac,sida linfolia aphrodisiac,sida spinosa aphrodisiac,Sida acuta Burmanfil,Sida rhombifolia Linnaeus,psychotropic properties,Phytochemical study,Phytochemical,Sacred Psychoactive Plants,sacred plants,Ethnopharmacology,Indians of Mexico,similar to kat,ephedrine-containing Malvaceae,ephedrine-containing,Malvaceae,smoke sida acuta,smoke sida rhombifolia,smoked for excitatory properties,excitatory properties,Smoking of Bones,Maya Use of Tobacco,Ritual Tobacco Substitutes,maya use of Ritual Tobacco Substitutes,Sida acuta as a tobacco substitute,broomweed as a tobacco substitute,sida acuta smoked like marijuana,sida rhombifolia smoked like marijuana,arrowleaf sida smoked like marijuana,remedy for conditions of the skin,remedy for bumps,remedy for boils,remedy for festering wounds,Encyclopedia of Aphrodisiacs,Psychoactive Substances for use in Sexual Practices,Substances for use in Sexual Practices,leaves are smoked,seeds are eaten,herb is eaten,herbal ecstasy preparation,Bliss Extra,alkaloids,choline, psudoephedrine,sida herbs,herbal ecstasy,European smart shops,medicinal plant since prehistoric times,medicinal plant,high ephedrine content,psychostimulant properties,affecting the central nervous system,affecting the heart,appetite suppressant,traditional ceremonies legal high,legal high,mimic the effects of ecstasy,Shroomery website,Magic Mushrooms Demystified,all things ecstatic,all things euphoric,more potent than ephedra,periods of euphoria,sida rhombifolia can be joyful,Effects are a pleasant stimulation,Effects are quite euphoric,almost like a mild marijuana,almost like a mild marijuana,almost like a mild marijuana,this state could be prolonged,No real effect on sex drive,whole seeds causes stimulation,whole seeds cause strange shift in mindset,The dried seeds are smoked,smoked for stimulating effects,smoked for euphoric effects,sida acuta possess euphoric properties,sida acuta possess stimulating properties,Effects are a pleasant stimulation,almost like a mild marijuana high,stimulating action of Sida,pseudoephedrine content,ephedrine content,Indian marijuana,It's like cannabis,you begin to feel a giggly,a really pleasant smoke,have had some nice experiences,have had some nice body highs,perfect beverage for hot days,perfect beverage for humid days,smoke the dried rootbark of Sida acuta,combined Sida leaf with marijuana.